NISD is proud to be a 1-to-1 district where all students K-12 use Chromebooks to facilitate their learning and engage in class activities. 

Student Login Information

Class Quick Card for K-1:

Class Quick Cards provide our youngest learners the ability to log in to their device via QR code. For instructions on how to print QR codes for your class watch this quick video: How to Locate and Print Class Quick Cards

*Note: Quick Cards are only available for K-1 teachers. Teachers are only able to print Quick Cards for students enrolled in their class.

Removing users from Chromebooks: If you have previous student’s names on the Chromebook screen, you can click the down arrow by their name and choose “Remove this person.” Students can remove prior users before logging in.


Classes will sync and be auto-rostered in Seesaw and Canvas prior to the first day of school. The sync will continue each night to stay up-to-date with your roster in Teacher Access Center. Keep in mind, it could take 24 - 72 hours for the sync to be reflected.

Canvas Users: Action Items


NISD is proud to offer premium versions of vetted tools to support technology integration across content areas. Explore the resources linked below and partner with your campus IT to learn more. 


(Action Needed) AirServer: ALL educators wishing to use AirServer this year will need to visit Company Portal to install the application and install the license key. Click here for more.

Flip: Don't flip out but Flip has gone away. Click here to see how Padlet can be a great alternative. 

Jamboard: On Dec. 31 you will no longer be able to view Jams, and all Jam Data will be deleted. Kami or Padlet are great alternatives. 


Your campus IT can meet with you one-on-one, or as a team, PLC, or Department. Click here to request a PLC!
Some ideas for the beginning of the year include:

Management System

Setting up your digital learning environment is key to launching a new school year. Whether you're using Seesaw, Google Classroom, or Canvas, we can help you set up your digital space for success.

 Teacher + iPad =
Mobile Educator

When used to its full potential, the teacher iPad puts annotating, sharing student work, and remotely controlling your computer at your fingertips. Let's explore the iPad Manager to download apps, use the camera for live modeling, and more!


ParentSquare is a one-stop shop for school and district happenings, improving communication, and boosting engagement between home and the school community. Perfect for sharing newsletters, signups, scheduling conferences, and organizing volunteers.